ClickFORMS | Using Templates


ClickFORMS offers built-in templates for the 1004, 1025, 1073, 2000, 2055 and Non-Lender Residential report types that you can customize for your needs. In addition, these templates contain the minimal forms needed for your report.
  1. In ClickFORMS, go to the File menu and mouse over 'New' → 'Report from Template...'
Report from Template
  1. Select the Sample Template based on your report type. This example uses the 'Sample 1004 URAR Template', then click 'Open'.
Select Template
  1. Customize your Template. This example shows data input to be used as a default for a 1004 URAR report in the Subject Property column. In addition, you can add additional forms, enter your client information and other information you want as a default in your report.
Customize Template
  1. To save your template, click 'File' from the ClickFORMS menu and select 'Save As Template'.
Save Template
  1. Your saved templates are stored in the "Templates" folder within your "My ClickFORMS" folder with the file extension of .cft. The Templates folder keeps your templates separate from your report files. Rename your template, then click the 'Save' button.
Name your Template
  1. To access your template, repeat steps 1 & 2 and select your new template, then click 'Open'.
Access your Template