ClickFORMS – Property Data Importer

Importing Property Vendor Data

To use the Property Data Importer, you must first export a file from your property vendor of the subject, if needed, and comparables you want to use in your report. The Property Data Importer imports data from these vendors: Win2Data, MetroScan, DataExpress, ParcelQuest (CA only), RealQuest (Standard), and RealQuest (Custom).

This export file will be saved on your computer. You may save your property vendor data Export file to: Documents/My ClickFORMS/Data Imports/ folder. However, you may save your file to another location on your hard drive or a cloud storage account such as Dropbox. Make sure you know where to browse to locate your exported property vendor data file.

Access the Property Data Importer

  1. From the ClickFORMS main menu, click "File", mouse over "Import From", then click "Vendor Property Data".

    Property Vendor Data Importer
  2. Click the "radio" button for your Property Vendor. "Browse" to retrieve your file, then click the "Import" button.

    Property Vendor Data Importer
  3. The "Import Property Data File" window appears displaying your data from your property vendor. Click the "Next" button.

    Property Vendor Data Importer
  4. Under the "Import To" column, select where each comp will go in your report. When finished, click the "Import" button.

    Property Vendor Data Importer
  5. Your Subject information, if selected from the previous screen, will appear on Page 1 of your report. Your Comparable information will appear in the Sales/Listing grid.

    Property Vendor Data Importer