Digital Signature Set Up
If you have a saved copy of your digital signature on your computer, move the file to the Documents/My ClickFORMS/Digital Signature folder. This ensures that your digital signature will be saved if you transfer the My ClickFORMS folder to another computer.
If you do not have a digital copy of your signature, scan an image of your signature at a minimum of 150 x 150 and no larger than 300 x 300 resolution. Crop all surrounding white space around your signature image. Color may be required by
some states. Some states also require a seal be added under or next to the signature. Save the image as a .png or .jpg to the Documents/My ClickFORMS/Digital Signature folder.
From the ClickFORMS Tools menu, click Signatures…
- Select your username if not shown, then click the "Setup" button.
- Click the "Load" button.
- Locate your digital signature image. This file should be saved to the Documents/My ClickFORMS/Digital Signature folder. Click on your signature file to open.
- Edit your image to appear correctly in your report.
Reduce the image size so the image fits between the top solid line and the signature line.
Click and drag your image so it sits properly on the Signature line. You may have to alternate between steps a and b to ensure your digital signature is sized and aligned properly.
Once satisfied with your edits, click the "OK" button.
- Click the "Close" button.
- Add your digital signature to your report.
Sign with today's date checkbox.
Options to lock the report upon affixing signature and allow additional signatures after locking report.
Option to password protect your signature.
Click the "Affix" button to add your digital signature to your report.
- Example of affixed digital signature.