ClickFORMS | Copy Forms Between Reports


If you want to transfer a form with data on it to another report you can do so in ClickFORMS by doing the following:

1. Open both report files in ClickFORMS, the file with the form you want to copy over and the file that is to receive a copy of the form.
2. Save the file that will be receiving the copy of the form with another name, in case the wrong information or form is accidentally copied over.
3. Go to Windows → Tile Vertically at the top of ClickFORMS to put the two reports side by side.
4. Move the desired form from the original report by going to the forms manager in the left sidebar then directly click and drag the form from that left sidebar of the original report to the left sidebar of the report receiving the form. This will work with any form however in this case we are moving an extra comps form over from one report to another.
  Drag a Form to Another Report
5. Once the form has transferred, you will be prompted how you want to handle the data from the form you just transferred.
    Neither is the safest choice. It brings over the form without any changes to the destination report.
    Import changes the imported form's subject property and customer information on the form to match the Destination report file.
    Export changes the destination files subject property and customer information on all pages of the Destination report to match the Source report file.
Once the form has transferred, you will be prompted how you want to handle the data from the form you just transferred. Neither is the safest choice. It brings over the form without any changes to the destination report.