ClickFORMS | Comparable Consistency Checker


ClickFORMS lets you create adjustment lists for particular market areas or you can create auto adjustments for all your reports using the Auto Adjustment Feature.
  1. Open a ClickFORMS report that has comparables that you would like to make consistent.
  2. Go to the Tools menu and select 'Check Comp Consistency...'.
Check Comp Consistency
  1. From the Check UAD Consistency window, you will see which property in your report has a data point that is inconsistent. This is denoted by the orange highlight and an 'X' in the UAD column.

    Note: The yellow highlight is the selected property.
UAD Consistency Window
  1. Select the property that has the inconsistencies, then select which data you want to use, either the data from the Database or the data from the Report. Simply put a checkmark on which data point you want to use. When complete, click the 'Make Consistent' button. This action will update both the report and the comparables database.
Compare properties