Comparables Database – User Guide


Getting Started

The Comparables Database is built by adding the comparable used within your reports. You can set your preferences to automatically to add all comparables to your Comparable Database when you save your report.
  1. Click on the Edit menu and select Saving under the Application heading from the left column:
Comparables Database
  1. To open the Comparable Database:
Option 1: Click the Lists menu and select Show Comparables List...
Option 2: If you have the "Workflow Toolbar" (View → Tool Bars → Show/Hide Toolbars → Workflow Toolbar) visible, simply click the Lists icon.
Comparables Database Comparables Database
  1. The comparables database will open to the List tab.
Comparables Database

Search for Comparables

  1. From the 'List of Comparables' window and click the Search tab.
Enter your search criteria. Neighborhood is used in the example below. Click the 'Find' button.
Comparables Database
The search results will automatically appear in the List tab.
Comparables Database
  1. From the List tab, select the comparable you wish to transfer into your sales/lising grid. Click on the Records menu and mouse over Export to Report... . Select the comp position in your sales/listing grid 'Comp 1, Comp 2...' to export to your comparabe to your report.
Comparables Database Export Comparable

View Comparable Details

  1. From the 'List of Comparables' window and click the Details tab. Here you can View details, add a New comparable, edit or delete a comparable. Use the left and right arrow buttons to browse through your comparable list.
View Comparable
  1. Repeat the above steps for each comparable you wish to export into your report.

Export Comparables to Excel Spreadsheet

  1. From the 'List of Comparables' window and click the Export/Print tab. You can Export all or searched Comparables to an Excel Spreadsheet.
Export Comparables to Excel

Setting Preferences in the Comparables Database

  1. From the 'List of Comparables' window and click the Preferences tab. Select your default options accordingly. Any selection your check will be automatically saved.
View Comparable

List Grouping

  1. In ClickFORMS, click the Lists menu and selct Show Comparables List...
List Grouping
  1. Click the List tab, then click on any column heading, i.e. address, city, state etc. and drag and drop that heading item into the grouping area as shown below.
List Grouping
  1. In this example "City" has been dragged in to the grouping area and you see the cities displayed below the grouping area in the grid. You can click on the [+] next to each city to view all comparables in that city.
List Grouping

List Ungrouping

  1. You can ungroup your list by using your mouse to drag and drop the heading item (City) from the grouping area back into the list area. Make sure to drop your heading item back into the grid only when you see the GREEN ARROWS.  Alternatively, you can click the List Options menu item and select Undo Grouping.
List Grouping
List Grouping

List Sorting

  1. In ClickFORMS, click the Lists menu and selct Show Comparables List...
List Sorting
  1. Click the center of any column header to sort by alpha-numeric sequence of the column. The example below shows the StreetName clicked and the records sorted in alphabetical order by street name.
List Sorting

Custom List Sorting

  1. In ClickFORMS, click the Lists menu and selct Show Comparables List...
List Sorting
  1. Sort by entering a custom search string which will only find and display records in the column that contains the numeric and/or alphabetic characters you enter. First, click the down-arrow in the column heading you wish to sort to display the drop-down menu, then select [Custom...].
List Sorting
  1. The Custom AutoFilter window will open. Type in your search word in ALL CAPS (TARES CIR as example below), then click the OK button. In addition, you are able to select other search phrases other than 'equals'.
List Sorting
  1. The comparable record grid will now show only records that contain the search word.
List Sorting

List Undo Sorting

  1. You can unsort your list by clicking the down-arrow in the column heading you wish to unsort to display the drop-down menu, then select [ALL].  Alternatively, you can click the List Options menu item and select Undo Sorting.
List Sorting
List Sorting

Import Comparables from your Report

  1. In ClickFORMS, click the Lists menu and selct Show Comparables List...
Import Comps
  1. From the List of Comparables window, click on Records, mouse over Import from Report... and select either the Subject, All Comps, All Listing or select comps individually. You have now successfully imported your comparables into your comparables list.
List Grouping

Export Comparables to your Report

  1. In ClickFORMS, click the Lists menu and selct Show Comparables List...
Import Comps
  1. From the List of Comparables window, select the comparable you wish to export. The Property in Gilroy is selected below. Click on the Records menu and mouse over Export to Report... . Select the comp position in your sales/listing grid 'Comp 1, Comp 2...' to export to your comparabe to your report. To view the comparable's record before exporting, click the detail tab.
Export Comparable Export Comparable
  1. Repeat the above steps for each comparable you wish to export into your report.