ClickFORMS Comparables UAD Consistency Checker
Compare Sales/Listings details in your appraisal report with Sales/Listings located in your comparables database.
Access the Comparables Consistency Checker
There are two different ways to access Comparables Consistency Checker in ClickFORMS.Option 1: From the main ClickFORMS menu click on Tools, then select Comparables Consistency Checker.
Option 2: If you have the "Workflow Toolbar" (View → Show Workflow Toolbar) visible, simply click the Database icon and select "Check Comp Consistency…"
If there are inconsistencies found in your report's Sales/Listings details from the Sales/Listings in your Comparables database, the Check Comp Consistency window will appear with the property with the inconsistency highlighted in orange. Notice the X in the UAD column.
Click the property address to see the inconsistency highlighted in yellow .
Choose which column, "Property in Report" or "Property in Database" to use for the highlighted inconsistency, then click the "Make Consistent" button.
Your changes have been saved. Click the "Close" button.